Of course these actions also have the potential to
impact the presidential campaigns of President Obama and Governor Mitt Romney.
For President Obama, who has been unable to get comprehensive immigration reform
or the DREAM act passed in Congress, it was a way to address a pressing issue,
and hopefully energize Hispanic voters who will are key to his re-election bid.
In making the order Obama stated, “They pledge allegiance to our flag. They are
Americans in their hearts, in their minds, in every single way but one: on
paper”( http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/06/15/obama-immigration-order-deportation-dream-act_n_1599658.html
). Governor Romney has taken a tough line on illegal immigration, and has said
he disagrees with the court’s ruling on SB1070, “I would have preferred to see
the Supreme Court give more latitude to states, not less. And the states, now
under this decision, have less authority, less latitude, to enforce immigration
law,” Romney told donors at a fundraiser in Scottsdale (http://azcapitoltimes.com/news/2012/06/25/mitt-romney-reacts-to-sb1070-ruling-states-have-right-to-secure-their-borders/).
Immigrant votes have played a role in shifting
electoral coalitions through the history of the United States. In
their time, German, Irish, Italian and other ethnic groups used their voting
clout to elect politicians who supported more open immigration. Hispanic voters do not necessarily vote as a
block, but they do play a key role in important swing states. It’s clear that President
Obama is betting that Hispanic voters will make the difference in at least a
few of these states. Turnout will be
key, which possibly underlies GOP efforts to pass voter ID laws in many
states. However, it is clear that the
Hispanic vote will play an important role in this election and it is up to the
Republican party to find a strategy that will reduce Obama’s commanding lead in
the polls with Hispanic voters: (http://www.bostonherald.com/news/us_politics/view/20120628polls_latino_support_surges_for_obama_but_level_of_enthusiasm_is_unclear/)
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